Hi there! I’m Jennell Aizeki-Kaplan. A few fun facts about me:
– I could eat a burrito for EVERY meal...seriously.
– I'm a Virgo in the most stereotypical sense.
– The Grateful Dead makes me smile, smile, smile!
– I fly-fish (or, try to anyway)
I am extremely passionate about my career and the people that I have the pleasure of working with. That’s what it takes to truly be a successful real estate expert. Not just a list of designations following my name, or expertise in negotiation and marketing, but a love and appreciation for those who allow me to do what I love...every day!
I look forward to working with you!
Jennell studied art and has a keen eye for aesthetics and design. This, along with her desire to connect with others, drives her success in all things real estate.
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